Well Beyond Medicine: The Nemours Children's Health Podcast

Ep. 102: care.ai and the Smart Hospital

Nemours Children's Health Season 2 Episode 102
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00:00 | 26:22

Health care transformation is starting to move from the realm of concept to reality. One example is a platform called care.ai, which brings together virtual care and artificial intelligence to create “smart hospitals” and “smart care teams.” It's already in action at such luminary health care providers as Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville and Henry Ford Health in Detroit — and coming soon to Nemours Children’s Health. 

care.ai President Bruce Brandes and Nemours Children’s Chief Nursing Executive Jane Mericle stepped up to the podcast mics during the 2024 American Academy of Pediatrics Experience National Conference in Orlando to talk about care.ai and the solutions it brings to myriad issues faced in today’s crucial care setting.

Bruce Brandes, President, care.ai
Jane Mericle, DNP, MHS-CL, BSN, CENP, Executive Vice President, Enterprise Chief Nursing Executive and Patient Operations Officer, Nemours Children's Health

Host/Producer: Carol Vassar

Views expressed by guests do not necessarily reflect the views of the host or management.

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